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সর্ব-শেষ হাল-নাগাদ: ১৯ ফেব্রুয়ারি ২০২৩

স্কিম সম্পর্কিত তথ্য (স্ট্রেনদেনিং দি ক্যাপাসিটি অফ ট্রেজারি এন্ড ডেট ম্যানেজমেন্ট উইং অফ ফিনান্স ডিভিশন স্কিম)

1    Scheme Outline:

1.1    Name Of the relevant Program: Strengthening Public Financial Management Program to Enable Service Delivery (SPFMS)
1.2    Name of the Scheme: Strengthening the Capacity of Treasury & Debt Management Wing of Finance Division
1.3    Administrative Ministry/Division: Finance Division, Ministry of Finance
1.4    Implementing Department/Agency: Treasury & Debt Management Wing, Finance Division.
1.5    Objective: The objective of this scheme is to prepare a MTDS, DSA and Debt Bulleting on a regular basis and strengthen the overall debt management capacity

1.6    Duration Of Scheme and Implementation Period:

Years Months

Start date

End date

3 6 January, 2020 June 30,2023

1.7    Activities:


Sub- Activities

Activity 5: Improve the quality of Medium - term Debt Strategy (MTDS)

  • Develop an operational strategy to implement the MTDS and conduct training as needed and design a communication platform for multiple agencies involved (e.g, FD, BB, ERD, BBS, CGA).
  • Hold a Debt Review Summit with all concern parties to discuss MTDS
  • Using the 2017 MTDS as the base, develop a plan and procedure to update the strategy annually to reflect data collected from above agencies. Carry out debt sustainability analyst at regular intervals

Activity 6: Enhance the FD management structure and systems to ensure debt data quality, timelines & reliability

  • Operationalize Debt Database (DAMFAS) assess capacity of implementing unit
  • provide training as required
  • customize DMFAS to include on leading database 
  • Assess the capacity and performance of the FD’s Treasury and Debt Management Wing to Serve as the Governments centralized professional unit/reform anchor to collect and confirm the quality of data. Develop its capacity through training with the goal of having it serve as the center of excellence and a technical resource for all other Debt Managements Units of Government.
  • Conduct a comprehensive inventory of all outstanding debt, including contingent liabilities and assumed guarantees (for governments banks, e.g.)
  • Create a database for national savings
  • Introduce publication of quarterly debt bulletin and annual debt portfolio report
  • Put in place and expand TSA which includes Special Accounts and EBF’s
  • Annually publish updated national debt status through media and GoB website
  • FD’s Treasury Debt Management Wing to convene monthly meetings of heads of other Debt Management Units to review data quality and reliability and suggest corrective action.
  • Integrate iBAS++ and DMFAS outputs (an interface may be considered later)
  • Enhance compliance with legal framework that governs the incurrence of debt and build debt management reforms awareness among parliamentarians
  • Cash management and forecasting Module interface with iBAs++.


Activity 7: Enhance Non - Tax Revenue (NTR) performance

  • Develop a web based NTR database
  • Policy dialogues, workshops, and seminars for awareness building among NTR generating units
  • Revenue innovation incentives
  • Capacity building

1.8    Linkage with SDG:     


Relevant SDG Targets

All activities

17.3 - Mobilize additional financial resources for developing countries from multiple sources.

17.4 - Assist developing countries in attaining long-term debt sustainability through coordinated policies aimed at fostering debt financing, debt relief and debt restructuring, as appropriate, and address the external debt of highly indebted poor countries to reduce debt distress.

1.9 Activities & Outputs Target:

Results indicator

Units of measure

Targeted outcome

FY- 19

Targeted outcome

FY- 20

Targeted outcome

FY- 21

Targeted outcome

FY- 22

DLI 1- Scheme on Use of improved fiscal projections for budget making



DLR 1.3 -

Updated medium term debt strategy (incl. Debt Bulletin & DSA)