1 Scheme Outline:
1.1 Name Of the relevant Program: Strengthening Public Financial Management Program to Enable Service Delivery (SPFMS)
1.2 Name of the Scheme: Strengthening the Capacity of Treasury & Debt Management Wing of Finance Division
1.3 Administrative Ministry/Division: Finance Division, Ministry of Finance
1.4 Implementing Department/Agency: Treasury & Debt Management Wing, Finance Division.
1.5 Objective: The objective of this scheme is to prepare a MTDS, DSA and Debt Bulleting on a regular basis and strengthen the overall debt management capacity
1.6 Duration Of Scheme and Implementation Period:
Years | Months |
3 | 6 | January, 2020 | June 30,2023 |
1.7 Activities:
Sub- Activities |
Activity 5: Improve the quality of Medium - term Debt Strategy (MTDS) |
Activity 6: Enhance the FD management structure and systems to ensure debt data quality, timelines & reliability |
Activity 7: Enhance Non - Tax Revenue (NTR) performance |
1.8 Linkage with SDG:
Activities |
Relevant SDG Targets |
All activities |
17.3 - Mobilize additional financial resources for developing countries from multiple sources. 17.4 - Assist developing countries in attaining long-term debt sustainability through coordinated policies aimed at fostering debt financing, debt relief and debt restructuring, as appropriate, and address the external debt of highly indebted poor countries to reduce debt distress. |
1.9 Activities & Outputs Target:
Results indicator |
Units of measure |
Targeted outcome FY- 19 |
Targeted outcome FY- 20 |
Targeted outcome FY- 21 |
Targeted outcome FY- 22 |
DLI 1- Scheme on Use of improved fiscal projections for budget making |
Yes/No |
DLR 1.3 - Updated medium term debt strategy (incl. Debt Bulletin & DSA) |