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সর্ব-শেষ হাল-নাগাদ: ২৮ ফেব্রুয়ারি ২০২৩

স্কিম সম্পর্কিত তথ্য (ইমপ্রুভিং দি বাজেট প্রসেস থ্রু ক্যাপাসিটি ডেভেলপমেন্ট অফ বিএমসিএস অ্যান্ড বিডব্লিউজিএস স্কিম)

Name of the relevant Program: Strengthening Public Financial Management Program to Enable Service Delivery (SPFMS)

Name of the Scheme: Improving the Budget Process through Capacity Development of BMCs and BWGs

Administrative Ministry/Division: Finance Division, Ministry of Finance

Implementing Department/Agency: Budget Wing, Finance Division

Duration of Scheme and Implementation Period:


Implementation Period



Start date

End date



January 1, 2020

June 30, 2023


Objective: The objective of this scheme

{C}·         Improved budget alignment with development strategy and gender, social, and climate considerations through better performance of Budget Management Committees

{C}·         To reduce the number of days for Drawing and Disbursing Officers (DDOs) to receive budget allocations in selected MDAs with primary focus on the education, health, roads and public works sectors including local government.


Activities and sub activities in PFM Action Plan (2018-2023):



Activity 08: Improve the effectiveness of BMC and BWG

{C}·      Assess how the BMC and BWG are functioning and develop a performance improvement program

{C}·      Based on the initial assessment, revise the ToR for the Budget Management Committee to enable them to review the MYPIP/MTBF links and to review FBEs

{C}·      To make the BMCs and BWGs work more efficiently, rationalize the number of budget planning tools by undertaking a planning/budgeting burden/capacity study to assess the impact of multiple planning and budgeting systems such as MYPIP, MTSBP, Sector Strategies, FBE, MTBF, APA etc.

{C}·      Strengthen the bottom-up budget preparation process through BMC and BWG undertaking inter-ministry peer review exercises to learn and support each other

{C}·      Finance Division to deploy a resource pool to support BMCs in various line ministries in a demand-driven approach

{C}·      Harmonize budget timetables for Annual Development Program (ADP) and non-development budget by having a combined budget circular

{C}·      Develop capacity of IPF to impart appropriate and relevant training for the civil servants working in line ministry/divisions and attached departments and agencies

{C}·      Strengthen gender, climate change and citizens’ participation through the budget preparation process. Where applicable, budget programs should set out or reflect policy goals in full compliance with the strategic goals of achieving gender equality, climate change and citizens’ participation set out in the FYP, cross-cutting and sectoral strategies, clearly identifying the respective performance indicators

{C}·      Publish a Citizen’s budget immediately after budget speech.

Activity 09: Ensure that performance data is routinely included in the main budget documents

{C}·      Align data structures for collecting performance management information (on Annual Performance Agreements) with those of the new Budget and Accounting Classification (in broad categories) to ensure comparability between the cost of the plans/programs and the outputs/outcomes broadly attributable to those.

{C}·      Use performance targets/indicators in main budget documents to inform budget decisions (including comparisons between previous estimated targets and targets achieved)

{C}·      Train civil servants and parliamentarians on how to weigh the expenditures by ministries, program, and by division/districts where possible and the expected results against those expenditures, and use this information for their budget allocation and prioritization decisions

Activity 10: Efficient budget release

{C}·      Delink the budget releases and distribution to DDOs/project directors from the submission of the utilization reports for first 2/3 quarters

{C}·      Review the current fund release procedures and delegation of financial power in line with the development of Cash Management Policy and Procedure to support timely cash availability for budget execution 

{C}·      Perform necessary addition/ development in iBAS++ budget execution modules to enable monitoring of timeliness of releases to DDOs/project directors and establishing a monitoring mechanism. 

{C}·      Effective monitoring of budget execution and timely review and management of outliers. 



DLI/Results indicators

DLRs/ Targeted outcome

DLI 2: Improved budget alignment with development strategy and gender, social, and climate considerations through better performance of Budget Management Committees






DLR 2.1Monitoring framework (including a performance scorecard) for the BMCs has been drafted, consulted on and issued

DLR 2.215% of BMCs have undertaken inter-ministerial peer-reviews in accordance with the protocols established pursuant to the monitoring framework development under DLR 2.1

DLR 2.3The Recipient’s expenditure on Social Sectors has increased to 29% of total actual public expenditure (in the relevant fiscal year in which the DLR is being assessed) 29%

DLR 2.4 The average performance score of BMCs evaluated through inter-ministerial peer-reviews has improved by at least 25% through the peer-reviews

DLR 2.5 The Recipient’s expenditure on Social Sectors has increased to 29.25% of total actual public expenditure (in the relevant Fiscal year in which the DLR is being assessed

DLI 3. Reduced number of days taken for DDOs to receive budget in selected MDAs - (education, health, roads, public works & local government)

DLR 3.1 The Finance Division has drafted and issued a circular mandating the de-linkage of Budget Releases from Fund Utilization Report submission

DLR 3.2 80% of DDOs have had their budget released and distributed by July 31 (of the relevant Fiscal year in which the DLR is being assessed)